Videos provide an excellent way of communicating a strong message in a relatively short time span. Marcel has reached out to various audiences, either by producing videos himself (under the flag of ISF), by interviewing experts in the seed sector, or by sharing his passion in interviews.
On this page a small selection of the various videos he has been involved in.
Interview with Seed World
Seed World sits down with Marcel Bruins, Secretary General, International Seed Federation to discuss ISF's position paper on IP as well as other key industry issues
Agriculture is under pressure
To keep pace with population growth it is estimated that in the next 40 years food production must equal the amount produced over the last 12,000 years, and it must be achieved in the face of climate change, limited land, water and fossil fuels. Through plant breeding the seed industry has met and will continue to meet the challenge of increasing agricultural production.
Smart from the Start
This video describes the work needed and steps to take to develop a new plant variety, and the time and resources that are needed in the process.
Variety is Life - How the seed sector protects biodiversity
Biodiversity represents all animals, plants, micro-organisms and eco-systems on our planet. The breadth and range of all those forms of life should be protected, right from the SEED. The seed sector supports efforts to protect Biodiversity and works on a daily basis to ensure variety is life.